Mira Mariah’s mural for Industry City is a peek inside the Girl Knew York studio, and a monument to what her community holds dear. The piece harkens back to iconic works like Matisse’s The Red Studio, and continues the long tradition of artists studying the places in which they create. Mira wanted to reflect back at Industry City the diverse inspirations of the artists and companies working here. The treasures pictured are not only hers, but belong to all of the Girls Knew York (and “girls” is gender neutral) she meets. In her signature continuous line style, Mira sketches iconography that runs through her work, inspired by the coming season, Fall of Man. Mira Mariah thinks in seasons, and the Girl Knew York community follows suit. This united symbolism creates excitement for new styles to wear, art to look at, poetry to write etc, as the weather changes. Mariah encourages her community to find inspiration both in the most contemporary of items, as well as the most traditional; a neon sign she designed sitting in harmony with a classic grecian column.